
  Caring for your needle felted item:

These Tiny Giants creations may look like toys, however, they can be delicate and must be handled with care!

They aren’t recommended for babies or small children. That being said, they are made to be as dense and durable as possible so gentle play and handling should be ok.

Please handle your felt item with care:

  • Avoid direct sunlight to prevent fading.

  • Some pets like to destroy felted things! Be mindful and keep your felted item out of reach!

  • Don’t put it in the washer or dryer (unless it's a dryer ball).

  • If your item gets dirty, gently wipe away with a clean, dry paint or makeup brush. Or gently dab surface with damp cloth/cotton swab. Use cool/cold water only and do not agitate.

  • Avoid soaking item in water or swimming with felted earrings.

  • If your item does get wet, allow to dry naturally (no hair/heat dryers). Use paper towel to soak up excess water.

    (Note: These instructions are specific to needle felted items, not wet felted items.)